7th grade lady Braves beat Peru 31-4
By Laura Smyth | Jan 16, 2025 9:45 PM
The 7th grade played a great game coming out with the win 31-4. Tonight, the ladies played well as a team which ended with all the ladies scoring. Katrina Cardwell had 7 points. Bailei Boggs, and Whitney Barnes both had 6 points each. Scarlett Daugherty and Hayden Soldi both with 4 points. Ellie Hostetler and Audrhianna Armstrong both with 2 points. The Braves had a great defensive game as well. The Peru Tigers did struggle due to having an injury which left them with only 4 players till after halftime. The Braves are currently 2-0 for the Season and 1-0 in the RRC. The Braves are home next Tuesday 1/21 as they host Northfield with a start time of 6:00 pm.