
7th grade comes in 3rd place in County Tournament.

By Laura Smyth | Jan 26, 2025 1:02 PM

The lady Braves faced a strong defensive North Miami team in the first round of the County Tournament. The Braves played a hard game but came up short 21-16. Katrina Cardwell lead the Braves with 8 points, Whitney Barnes had 6 points, and Ellie Hostetler with 2 points. The Braves then faced Peru in the consolation game. The Braves picked up the win against the Tigers 31-9, taking 3rd place. Cardwell dominated the boards with 15 points, Barnes 8 points, Hostetler 4 points. Bailei Boggs and Scarlett Daugherty both with 2 points each. Hayden Soldi and Audrihanna Armstrong contributed greatly in both games. The Braves travel to Rochester on Monday with a start time of 5:30.